Administrative Support and Services

The Senate Committee on SPCEP is supported by the secretariat of the Senate Committee on SPCEP (“the secretariat”), which promotes the quality assurance (QA) work of SPCEP and implements the policies related to the SPCEP sector within and outside the University.

Guided by the Quality Manual (SPCEP), QA initiatives underpinned by the secretariat include committee work for the Committee on Re-approval of SPCEP in execution of the University’s policy on maximum duration for validity of programme approval for SPCEP.  With a view to strengthening QA engagement across the institution and people, the secretariat promotes QA policies of the Integrated Framework for Curriculum Development and Review: III. Sub-degree, Professional and Continuing Education Programmes.

Professional administrative services rendered to the University’s community include the validation of new SPCEP, the re-validation of revisions to, the phasing out of existing SPCEP, the approval of graduation results, and the provision of certification services for SPCEP and  graduates.  The secretariat acts as the University’s liaison body with the Labour and Welfare Bureau (LWB), the Education Bureau (EDB), the Office of the Continuing Education Fund (CEF), and the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) on matters related to CEF, annual data collection for self-financed post-secondary programmes, and the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF) for SPCEP.

The secretariat was the liaison body for the last quality audit for sub-degree operations by the Quality Assurance Council (QAC) and tasked to undertake the pre- and post-audit work, the operational logistics of institutional visits, and other duties as assigned. The Progress Report has been concluded with positive feedback from both QAC and the University Grants Committee (UGC) that all matters have been given detailed consideration and the actions and strategies identified are appropriate and are being implemented.

This website is administered by the secretariat with an aim to crystalize and make explicit the QA policies and guidelines to promulgate the University’s quality culture. Welcome to contact the secretariat and email to for any suggestions.  Your feedback and support is valuable to us.