Composition and Meetings

Meeting Schedule of the Senate Committee on SPCEP 2024-25

1. Composition

Chairperson: Prof. Isabella W.Y. Poon

One representative from each Faculty nominated by its Dean
Dr. Cedric S.L. Lee
Prof. Cheung Waiman
Prof. Skyler Hawk
Prof. Cheng Hong
Prof. Yan Yueming
Prof. Timothy C.Y. Kwok
Prof. Shannon W.N. Au
Prof. Sara H. Zhong
Three members of the Senate, co-opted by the Committee
Prof. Chien Wai Tong
Prof. Alan C.K. Cheung
Prof. Anthony M.C. So
Ms. Kitty W.H. Yu, Registrar
Dr. Alex M.L. Ng, Director, School of Continuing and Professional Studies
Prof. Cecilia K.W. Chun, Director, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research
Up to two members nominated by Vice-Chancellor
Prof. Hector S.O. Chan

Secretary: Ms. Apphia S. Doo

2. Briefing Notes of the Meetings


First Meeting (2024-25)