Since May 2008, the seven-level cross-sector HKQF and the Qualifications Register (QR) have been launched by the HKSAR government with an aim to clearly define the standards of qualifications, ensure their quality, and indicate the articulation ladders between the different levels of qualifications.
The implementation of an Award Titles Scheme (ATS) and the use of credit under the HKQF were announced by the Education Bureau (EDB) in October 2012. Details are available at the website of the HKQF (
Furthermore, information on a Comparability Study of the HKQF and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) jointly undertaken by EDB and the European Commission (EC) is available at the website of HKQF (
General Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT) (Institutional) (CAT(I)) Information
CAT information applies to the Sub-degree, Professional and Continuing Education Programmes (SPCEP) endorsed by the then University Extension Board (UExB)/ the Senate Committee on SPCEP with approval by the Senate of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Programmes of the SPCEP sector of the University include (i) full-time programmes such as Higher Diplomas (HD) offered by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies (CUSCS) to secondary school leavers; (ii) Award-Bearing Programmes (ABP) of part-time professional and continuing education (PCE) programmes offered by CUSCS in support of lifelong learning; and (iii) a selected range of PCE programmes either in part-time or mixed mode offered by academic faculties as a means to satisfy the public’s demand for professional development.
General Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT) policy of the SPCEP sector
- Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT) is applicable to the SPCEP sector.
- Each programme has its own regulations and requirements. The total number of hours or units for advanced standing can be granted up to a maximum of 50% of the total number of hours for PCE programmes and 50% of the total units of HD programmes within the prescribed period of study, subject to the regulations and requirements of each programme.
- Students can submit an application to obtain an advanced standing of a programme on the basis of the completed course(s)/module(s) offered by the unit(s) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong or by other recognized post-secondary institutions according to the regulations prescribed by the programme.
- Details of the operational procedures are to be executed by the respective offering unit(s) of the programme concerned and the final decisions are to be approved by the governing body of the offering unit(s) or its delegated authorities, which shall take into consideration factors including but not limited to where the qualification was gained, the level and content of the course(s)/module(s) under scrutiny, the grade attained and how long ago the course/module was taken.