List of Appendices

List of Appendices

Chapter 2 Governance Structure of the University
A2-1 Composition and terms of reference of the Senate Committee on Sub-degree, Professional and Continuing Education Programmes (Senate SPCEP)
Chapter 3 Governance Structure of Sub-degree Providing Units (SDPUs)
A3-1 Duties and Functions of Boards of Faculties
A3-2 Governance Structure of Faculties
A3-3 Duties and Functions of Boards of Departments
A3-4 Governance Structure of the CUSCS
Chapter 4 Award-bearing and Non-award-bearing Programmes
A4-1 University’s classification and QA framework
A4-2 Award Titles Scheme (ATS) under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF)
Chapter 5 QA System of Award-bearing Programmes
A5-1 Proposal for Introduction of New Self-financed Sub-degree, Professional and Continuing Education Programme (SPCEP)
A5-2 Proformas related to Faculty Consultation on new CUSCS programmes
A5-3 Flow Chart on the Approval Processes for Faculties to offer New Programmes at CUHK
A5-4 Flow Chart on the Approval Processes for the CUSCS to offer New Programmes at CUHK
A5-5 Updated Revised Common Descriptors for Associate Degree and Higher Diploma Programmes
A5-6 Proforma for Special Admission to Higher Diploma Programme Offered by CUSCS
A5-7 Generic Level Descriptors under the HKQF
A5-8 Course by Learning Outcomes Matrix
A5-9 Course Description Form
A5-10 Budget Proposal for New Self-financed Sub-degree Programme (i.e. Category 2 Programme)
A5-11 Assessment of Student Learning in Sub-degree, Professional and Continuing Education Programmes (SPCEPs)
A5-12 Policy on Maximum Study Period
A5-13 Course and Teaching Evaluation (CTE) Questionnaire
A5-14 Integrated Framework for Curriculum Development and Review: III. Sub-degree, Professional and Continuing Education Programmes (SPCEP)
A5-15 Templates for Hong Kong Qualifications Register (HKQR)
A5-16 General Information on Credit Accumulation and Transfer (Institutional) (CAT(I))
A5-17 Guidelines related to the Integrated Framework for Curriculum Development and Review: III. Sub-degree, Professional and Continuing Education Programmes (SPCEP)
A5-18 Sub-degree Student Experience Questionnaire (SSEQ)
A5-19 Composition of the Committee on Re-approval of Sub-degree, Professional and Continuing Education Programmes
A5-20 Self-reflection Report for the Committee on Re-approval of Sub-degree, Professional and Continuing Education Programmes
A5-21 Proposal for New Programme Recommended by the Committee on Re-approval of Sub-degree, Professional and Continuing Education Programmes for Senate’s Re-approval
A5-22 Process Flowchart of the Re-approval Work
A5-23 Proforma for Major/Minor Revisions
A5-24 Proforma related to Faculty Consultation on CUSCS programme revisions
A5-25 Flow Chart on the Approval Processes for Faculties to initiate Programme Revisions at CUHK
A5-26 Flow Chart on the Approval Processes for CUSCS to initiate Programme Revisions at CUHK
A5-27 Template for Collection of Non-CUSIS Class Information on Category 2 Self-Financed Programmes
A5-28 Flow Chart on the Approval Processes for Faculties/CUSCS to Phase Out Programmes at CUHK
Chapter 6 QA System of Non-award-bearing Programmes
A6-1 Flow Chart Illustrating the Reporting Procedures for Non-award-bearing (Category 3) Programmes
A6-2 Template for Collection of Non-CUSIS Class Information on Category 3 Self-Financed Programmes
Chapter 7 Graduation Procedures and Standards
A7-1 Pass List Submission Proforma
A7-2 Guidelines on the Awards of Distinction and Merit for Sub-degree, Professional and Continuing Education Programmes (SPCEPs)
A7-3 Annual Report on the Distribution of Merits and Distinctions (Higher Diploma Programmes)
A7-4 Biennial Report on the Distribution of Merits and Distinctions (Diploma and Certificate Programmes)
A7-5 Principles and Specifications for Graduate Certificate of Award-bearing “Category 2” Sub-degree, Professional and Continuing Education Programmes (SPCEPs)
A7-6 Notes and Form for the Application for Replacement of Certificate
A7-7 A Sample Template for Certificate of Attendance
A7-8 A Sample Template for Certificate of Completion
A7-9 Guidelines and Specifications for Non-award-bearing “Category 3” Certificate of Attendance and Certificate of Completion
Chapter 8 Grievances, Appeals, and Ethics
A8-1 Procedures for Dealing with Student Complaints of Sub-degree, Professional and Continuing Education Programmes